Support Our Mission

Elemental Synchronicity is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN: 92-0715018)

Elemental Synchronicity was created in June of 2020 at a time when the whole world was in a state of lockdown and we did not know what we would look like as a society once we emerged.

What started as a small business creating crafts and offering a selection of holistic healing tools (Reiki, Sound Healing, Transpersonal Crystal Healing) has now evolved into a nonprofit center where we offer no-cost holistic services to clients looking to heal beyond what the allopathic medical model offers.

Healing ourselves takes time and each of us is a unique individual. Shouldn’t our treatment plans take into consideration this fact and not be based on one size fits all?

Creating and holding space for everyone is the cornerstone of our center where we provide the time and support for each of us to find the healing path that works best for ourselves. By taking a holistic approach (a complete view of each person’s needs) which encompasses a care team of diverse practitioners, doctors, and primary care physicians, each person is able to connect with themselves and have the tools in place to take on more responsibility for their healing path.

All of our offerings, services, educational material, musical instruments and other supportive goods, are at no cost to the client or any agency who we partner with.

Thank you for your consideration and we truly appreciate you.

This client testimonial best summarizes our mission and vision:

“People over profit-- If I were to sum up Todd’s practice, these words resonate with me the most. Through fortuitous synchronicities, when I met Todd he, from the start, recognized that I was lost-- and rather than indoctrinating me to dogmas written in stone; he sought to understand where I stood in life. It was from there that he incorporated holistic healing into his consultations. And all throughout our sessions I have never once felt rushed to reveal more of myself than I was ready for, nor burden to meet any arbitrary checkpoints to prove I was getting better. He was just interested in sharing his life and healing with me. Todd has never once asked me for payment, and honestly, I don’t know how far into this journey I would have made it otherwise. I believe a big part of why none of us truly get better is because of capitalistic corruption ingrained in our zeitgeist. Todd, however, doesn’t carry that ego: and neither does his practice. It has provided me a safe place to learn to be myself without the over reliance on today’s push for pharmaceuticals. I believe as his practice grows it will nurture a society of balance” – September 2022

Elemental: features from which all other structures are compounded.

Synchronicity: the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Using elements from Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind for creative ideas